Blogger: Tea Palmelund
Tea Palmelund er digital designer og udvikler og arbejder med digital bæredygtighed. Hun er uddannet ved Kunstakademiets Designskole.
Tea Palmelund er digital designer og udvikler og arbejder med digital bæredygtighed. Hun er uddannet ved Kunstakademiets Designskole.
In a world grappling with the complexities of climate change, the role of education and engagement, especially among the youth, cannot be overstated. With a sense of humility and a deep respect for the collaborative efforts of all involved, we share the story of the Climate Carrier Project, an initiative of the Energy Academy aimed at nurturing climate awareness among the young minds across Europe.
We recently went on an enlightening trip to Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, to participate in the kickoff meeting of the NESSIE project on January 16th and 17th.
The need to raise awareness around climate is an immediate matter and ranges from more extreme weather to increasing food prices to general health. This is supported by WHO, the United Nations, WWF, and the list goes on.
Kaospilots X Climate Carrier We’ve had an awesome experience working with some really cool Kaospilot students on the “Climate Carrier” project, part of the INFORSE initiative. It’s been all about
Vi er en del af et team, der leverer den manglende ekspertise til disse 30 EU-øer og øgrupper for at bevæge os mod 100 % vedvarende energi inden 2030.
Read original article here: Read article in German WINDS OF CHANGE ON SAMSØ ISLAND A REPORT BY ANNE BACKHAUS published by: A green-painted chipboard cut-out of Samsø lies
Tim Schnider “Samsø har en perfekt størrelse som samfundsprojekt-ø uden for lange bureaukratisk kringlede veje fra ide til udførsel. De ting, jeg lærer her, vil hjælpe mig med at finde
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048