Tentou-partnerskabet ønsker at inspirere fællesskaber på hele kloden, der deler de samme principper, til at gøre en forskel og formulere et nyt narrativ for et påkrævet, globalt paradigmeskifte.
Tentou-partnerskabet ønsker at inspirere fællesskaber på hele kloden, der deler de samme principper, til at gøre en forskel og formulere et nyt narrativ for et påkrævet, globalt paradigmeskifte.
The scheme was set up to help make Denmark become more environmentally friendly and climate-friendly, to ensure security of supply and less dependence on fossil fuels, and at the same time boost the economy and give citizens a little more money in the pockets by reducing the heating bills.
SMARTEES – Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability – er et tværfagligt forskningsprojekt, der arbejder med at støtte energitransitionen og forbedre program design ved at udvikle alternative og robuste procedure der fremmer borgernes integration og tager hensyn til lokale behov og udfordringer.
Green transition with the citizen in the center How do we get the green transition under the skin of the Danes?
In the Night Light project, regional authorities from across Europe go together to improve their regional policies for the prevention of light pollution.
It started with an energy check in order to energy optimise the buildings, but developed into a geothermal system and became the starting point for a large number of sustainable
The purpose of MATCH is to expand our knowledge of how to design and implement comprehensive smart grid solutions.
The purpose is to contribute to the conversion of our energy system to renewable energy towards 2050 (2030 on Samsø) by building knowledge, developing common strategies and coordinating energy planning across municipalities and energy players in central Jutland.
Through Energy and environmentally correct initiatives to make Samsø Golf Club pioneer in the industry – both in Denmark and abroad.
The Tentou Partnership seeks to inspire communities across the globe that share the same principles to make a difference and formulate a new narrative for a much-needed global paradigm shift.
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk