Solutions when I dare to shape ecology on my lips
Come and discuss the possibilities for creating alternative forms of ownership in agriculture with a strong panel at the Energy Academy.
Come and discuss the possibilities for creating alternative forms of ownership in agriculture with a strong panel at the Energy Academy.
How is beauty, space and power sensed? That is one of the big questions that Malene Lundén work with professionally in the GATEWAY Japan / Denmark project. The project explores in size, power, form and direction what our consciousness can do as a community.
Randområder er både fremtidens og samfundets vækstdynamoer. Derfor er samspillet mellem centrum og periferi noget, der kan give liv og økonomi på BNP.
Malene is a trained documentary photographer and artist.
She is also the head of the Samsø Energy Academy’s communications department.
Japan and Denmark have close cooperation both in industrial and civil society. The energy academy will return to Japan and this time, science and art will be in the heyday of several Japanese art museums
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk