
A Blog About a Positive Change

Change has taken place and is still happening: Because as a local society, Samsø has via community, trust and unity been able to follow a master plan and collaborate on carrying it out over a period of 20 years. People from all over the world make the journey to Samsø to find out about what a society with a sincere desire to make a positive change can accomplish.

This is a blog that tells about a social success within Denmark’s green transformation and development, and functions as a kind of parallel reference in an otherwise often polarized environmental debate.

Ou ambition is to inspire readers in a way that makes clear how you can to launch your own positive change scenarios in a practical way. And each of our bloggers contribute with their own myths that can help us in making the green transition a new paradigm. 



The blog has a different mode of expression and doesn’t mind cutting through genres. Our themes work as partitions that hold together the complex content of the blog and are every year chosen according to network and importance:

Resilience. Centre & periphery
Letting go and holding on
The future is feminine. Bad practice
 The global. Conspiracy
The heart of the vulcano. Activism

Theme: Bad practice

Theme: Bad practice

in relation to the Energy Academy’s experiences and work, pedagogy and sustainability are at the core of the transformation that has been and is underway at Samsø.

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Theme: Centre and Periphery

Opposing concepts, “center” and “periphery” are ever-present at Samsø Energy Academy. The work we carry out both locally and internationally is based on the crisis that a loss of autonomy and resources presents for the rural regions of the world when political power is centralized and people move into cities.

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Theme: Resilience

What is resilience? What does it mean for our way of living in the world, and why do the inhabitants of Samsø seem to possess an especially high degree of resilience?

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Our Bloggers

Blogger: Søren Hermansen

Søren Hermansen is the director of the Samsø Energy Academy and has been a pionéer and driving force behind Samsø’s transformation and success as a renewable energy island.

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Blogger: Mikkel Bruun

Mikkel Bruun Jeg bor og arbejder på Samsø som et aktivt valg. Jeg interesserer mig dybt for den grønne omstilling og mærker her et fællesskab, som er indstillet på at

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Blogger: Michael Kristensen

Michael Kristensen Mit daglige arbejde med klimaforandringer skal gerne føre til, at alle får ligebehandling og mulighed for at frigøre de ressourcer, hver enkelt har til rådighed, og bidrage til

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Blogger: Ivona Prar

After coming to Denmark I heard about this ambitious carbon-neutral island in Midtjylland, so when it came to doing an internship it was easy to decide where to go.

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Guest Bloggers:

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