Uffe Elbæk


In many ways, the leader of the Danish political party The Alternative Party embodies the movement from the periphery to the middle.
Uffe was born in 1954 in the small town of Ry, far from Denmark’s central government, yet due to his political career he ended up living in Frederiksberg, an independent enclave of Copenhagen. Unlike most other politicians, he started out by studying to be a social worker, getting his degree from Peter Sabroe Seminary in Aarhus. Since then, Uffe became famous as a cultural entrepreneur and founder of the Chaos Pilots school. Yet starting in 2009, Uffe has spent most of his time in politics, and since 2015 he’s been the leader of The Alternative Party.

Samsø Energy Academy is proud to welcome Uffe Elbæk as a guest blogger.Despite his position in the Danish center of power, Uffe has a particular understanding of the periphery’s significance in a democracy. It was out in the bare naked fields of the political periphery that few politicians visit or think of, that The Alternative Party blossomed, and it is this experience that we are curious to hear about in The Positive Change blog. 

Peter Engberg

Few artists have the ability to reconcile the film world’s technical science with spiritual power – Peter Engberg, however, is one of them: he has been on numerous journeys in his life and directed international award-winning documentary films.

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Ole Fogh Kirkeby

As Professor of Leadership Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School, Ole is one of Denmark’s greatest academics who in an amazing way approaches theory with the sensitivity of an artist. Ole writes about the theme of Resilience on our blog.

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Centre and Periphery

Da Uffe Elbæk på et gadehjørne i maj 2013 besluttede sig for at danne Alternativet, satte han gang i en forbløffende insisterende bevægelse, der i dén grad kom fra periferien: ingen troede i starten på, at det ville lykkes, for alt hvad Uffe gjorde, var både meget anderledes, og meget forkert.

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The myth of the tree of life

Den græske himmelgud Zeus stod i et dilemma, for Ishtar, den mesopotamiske gudinde for frugtbarhed, krig og kærlighed, som han altid havde været så betaget af, var kommet i en forfærdelig knibe og bad nu om Zeus’ hjælp. I Mesopotamien havde orkaner og oversvømmelser efterladt landet til ukendelighed, og folket var begyndt at søge væk fra det før så smukke land.

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