Blogger: Cecilie Marie Meyer
Cecilie is a journalist and helps the academy with texts, news letters and articles. On the blog Cecilie writes about Samso both in a global and local perspective.
Few artists have the ability to reconcile the film world’s technical science with spiritual power – Peter Engberg (born 1946), however, is one of them: he has been on numerous journeys in his life and directed international award-winning documentary films. He has traveled in over 50 countries and led film expeditions in Sahara, Sinai, Bhutan, Belize, Guatemala, Nepal, Peru and Mali with his camera to reach the bottom and top of human existence.
Among other things. He has interviewed Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbatjov, Peter Høeg, Thor Heyerdahl and astronaut Edgar Mitchell but here on the blog we turn the lens towards Peter himself because of his insight into the potential that can trigger a paradigm shift in our way of thinking.
According to Peter Engberg, the potential is about the ability to let go of control – something he developed when he lived in a Japanese zen temple several years ago and practiced archery with the monks.
"There is a field beyond all the right and all the wrong. Let's meet there."
Peter Engberg
Cecilie is a journalist and helps the academy with texts, news letters and articles. On the blog Cecilie writes about Samso both in a global and local perspective.
Uffe Elbæk is the leader of the Danish political party The Alternative Party and embodies the movement from the periphery to the Centre. Uffe writes about the theme Centre and Periphery on our blog.
As Professor of Leadership Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School, Ole is one of Denmark’s greatest academics who in an amazing way approaches theory with the sensitivity of an artist. Ole writes about the theme of Resilience on our blog.
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Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk