Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
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Towards a new core story: There is more meat on the Samsø story!
Summarised and written by Malene Lundén. The article has also been brought in Samsø Posten as part of a campaign about Samsø's new core story.
Due to a sincere and special interest in getting to know what Samsø’s core story is here and now, the Energy Academy is starting to go very close to the local community and the many enthusiasts keeping the fire warm.
The Energy Academy will ask questions, set up meetings and put all these activities in some sort of order, so that the discovery can be communicated with the sole purpose of making us wiser about what our outside world is experiencing by meeting the Energy Academy’s work and what the core story is.
The energy academy is often asked by local enthusiasts if we can help with good advice on many and many things in relation to foundations and writing applications.
The energy academy experiences a large community of enthusiasts, all of whom sit down to raise money for new community projects. Samsø Energy Academy helps by reading through the applications. Here we have found that the 8 out of 10 times usually start with the intro
“Samsø – Denmark’s Energy Island.”
The core story works! One of the success criteria is that it is used by many people and that it cannot be owned by an association, a company or for that matter a government.
The sentence in italics in the upper section is used in many contexts and for many gatherings, because it is still an absolutely incredible story and a total amount of courageous actions that all of us on Samsø have undergone and are still undergoing.
At the Energy Academy, we say that the phrase “Samsø – Denmark’s Energy Island.”
is the beginning of our common core story about Samsø .About us the peole who are HERE. The beginning and this statement cannot and should not stand alone.
More meat is needed and we have to cut to the bone. The more we all do and say the same, it may over time be taken for granted. We, at Samsø may not think it is so fantastic anymore. BUT it seemed the outside world still does!
Therefore, the Energy Academy’s communications department is in the process of looking at and examining what perceptions of the core story is, how it is used and by whom.
We have had 2 websites in 20 years. Now we have to start a great clean-up and a simplification, so it is a very exciting time in the communications department,.It is staffed with both new and old acquaintances. We are all in full swing of things. We are in the middle of the development of the Energy Academy’s website, this should reflect the adjusted core story.
Not a very simple task, but there are plenty of good initiatives and projects to talk about. Core stories often need to be adjusted and optimized. The Energy Academy wants the people of Samsø want to share and act with you in an open process that will give a credible picture both in and out.
The Energy Academy will work on building the new website over the next 9 month. We want to ihost small and large meetings, and we will jump naively into the depth of the people on Samsø and see if we can keep afloat as the core story’s change.
The Energy Academy has to look critically and adapt to Samsø’s core story, as many of the actions in and around the island’s status as Denmark’s energy island are changing.
One example is the ownership of the 11 landmills, where 4 of them are now sold. What does this do to our view and to the story we tell?
The turbines are safely back in place. We do not yet know the future of the wind turbines in relation to maintenance and the operation of an offshore wind farm in these tough market conditions.
Will the biogas plant be built and are there any changes in the process? What is the status of the core story here?
What partdoes the circular bio-economy play into fossil-free Island 2030 and what measures are used to promote the communication of this project?
We are no longer a whole island able to tell the world that we own all our own energy plants. In order to not lose credibility, the changes must be anchored in the common, adjusted core story.
On the Energy Academy’s new website, we will create new stories that elaborate on what has caused the changes.
The work on the core story is not a communication strategy. It is a process and a time it will contain a string of meetings and gatherings about what the content of various collaborations across industries means for Samsø.
Some questions for you about the adjustment of the Energy Academy’s core story. These could be:
Who knows where Samsø together put the next crucial activities that promote Samsø and the island’s residents?
How and what is needed for us to get together and become wiser about the greater ambition in relation to Samsø as a fossil free island 2030?
What new questions, inspirations and experiences do you need for the core story to reach as many places as possible?
How do we handle uncertainties and criticisms that promote the matter?
How can we jointly point to the discovery of having different interests along the way to an adjustment of the core story.
TheEnergy Academy believes that the world around us thinks that Samsø is far beyond what the individual thinks and believes.
The new core narrative must be reflected in all the Energy Academy’s presentation, paper materials and on our digital platforms.
We dream that this can be balanced on both a very close local plan, and in the big global community. Together the processes and the road taken have great potential for success.
Havmøllerne er komme sikkert på plads igen. Vi kender endnu ikke møllernes fremtid i forhold vedligehold og det at drive en offshore vindmøllepark på benhårde markeds- vilkår.
Bliver biogasanlægget bygget og er der forandringer i processen? Hvad er status i kernefortællingen?
Hvordan spiller den cirkulære bioøkonomi ind i fossilfri Ø 2030 og hvilke tiltag fremmer kommunikationen af dette projekt?
Vi er ikke længere en hel Ø der kan fortælle verden at vi ejer alle vores egne energianlæg, og for ikke at miste troværdighed skal forandringerne forankres i den fælles, justerede kernefortælling.
På Energiakademiets nye hjemmeside vil vi forsøge os med nye fortællinger, som uddyber hvad der har forårsaget forandringerne.
Arbejdet med kernefortællingen er ikke en kommunikationsstrategi men mere en proces og en periode, som indeholder en perlerække af møder og sammenkomster om hvad indholdet af samarbejder på tværs af brancher betyder for Samsø.
Nogle spørgsmål til dig/jer og til justeringen af Energiakademiets kernefortælling kunne være: Hvem ved hvor Samsø sammen lægger de næste afgørende aktiviteter, som fremmer Samsø og øens beboere?
Hvordan og hvad skal der til for at vi finder sammen og bliver klogere på den større ambition i forhold til Samsø som fossilfri ø 2030?
Hvilke nye spørgsmål, inspiration og erfaringer skal der til for at kernefortællingen kalder på flest mulige? Hvordan håndterer vi usikkerheder og kritik, som er fremmende for sagen?
Hvordan kan vi i fællesskab pege på opdagelsen af at have forskellige interesser på vejen til en justering af kernefortællingen?
Energiakademiet ved at omverdenen tænker og mærker at vi på Samsø er langt mere end hvad den enkelte person tænker og tror.
Den nye kernefortælling skal afspejles i alle Energiakademiets oplæg, papirmaterialer og på vores digitale platforme. Vi drømmer om at dette kan balanceres på både det helt nære, lokale plan, og i det store, globale community. Hvis vi sammen kan det, har processerne og vejen dertil et stort potentiale for succes.
Energiakademiets nuværende hjemmeside fik et helt nyt design og logo for mere end 8 år siden, og hjemmesiden er nu blevet tung og forældet af alt det arbejde vi producerer på Energiakademiet.
Vi skal i gang med at analysere hvad hjemmesiden er vokset af og i hvilket omfang, der skal beskæres og strammes op. Derfor ønsker vi bl.a. at give hjemmesiden et løft og en omstrukturering, så den bedst muligt passer til vores nuværende aktiviteter og til de behov målgruppen efterspørger.
Ambitionen er stor og vi håber på jeres opbakning.