Vi arbejder med konsekvenserne af klimaforandring

Vi arbejder med konsekvenserne af klimaforandring

Energy Academy

You’ll find Samsø Energy Academy on the island of Samsø, in the heart of Denmark. The Energy Academy is located in the town of Ballen on the east side of the island.
Samsø Energy Academy is a project-based organization focused on the consequences of climate change.
The Energy Academy is a physical gathering and meeting place for all kinds of people who are interested in community development. Put simply, its organizational goal is to convey knowledge about holistic cooperative processes. Samsø Energy Academy has eight full-time employees who live on Samsø, working with community development and sustainable solutions.
The Energy Academy’s name is inspired by Ancient Greece and functions as a local gathering place for the island’s various organizations. It hosts meetings and gatherings concerning subjects such as education and research, including courses, meetings, seminars, and exhibitions about energy, climate change, and sustainable resources. The Samsø Energy & Environmental Office, the Samsø Energy Agency, and the Samsø Energy Service are also based at Samsø Energy Academy. Their activities include energy efficiency advice for companies and homeowners, tours – including tours for specific trades and industries – and workshops and seminars. Samso Energy and Environment Office, Samso Energy Agency and the Energy Service Samso also attend the academy and carry out the activities of energy consulting to companies and private tours, guided tours, workshops and seminars.

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The buildings

Our buildings are constructed out of sustainable principles and has a healthy inside environment with natural ventilation, rain water in the toilets, etc.

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