Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk
A round-up of last week’s Soren Hermansen events in New England, and the positive response & press coverage we received for Sapphire Wind Farm (SWF) & CWPAM:
Inverell Event
106 people attended Soren’s talk at Inverell RSM on Wed 15th Feb. The evening was MC’d by Deputy Mayor Cr Anthony Michaels. It was a fabulous atmosphere & attentive audience – Soren is a warm, funny and captivating speaker & everyone was fascinated & inspired by his talk on how his island of Samso became 100% renewable & energy independent. It was hard to leave the venue afterwards as there were so many people wanting to chat !
We videoed the event & will be editing the material for clips to support the upcoming SWF community investment testing. Here’s a gif which captures the atmosphere:
soren talk clip.gif
Ross Hill Primary School, Inverell
A group of 11 & 12 year olds interested in science & technology asked Soren a barrage of questions about SWF and wind energy & gave us their ideas for what they’d like to see on an interactive wind farm website. These will be passed onto the SWF website developers & we’ll return to the class later in the year to show them what we’ve done with their help.
Armidale Event
Around 80 people attended at Armidale’s Ex-Services Club on Thurs 16th Feb, and the evening was impeccably MC’d by Adam Blakester of New England Wind.
A different crowd to the previous night in a cavernous room that didn’t lend itself to generating a good atmosphere, as well as possibly less of a local feel of ‘ownership’ ?
At dinner afterwards we were joined by Adam Marshall, local NSW MP
Media coverage
ABC Local Radio Tamworth – breakfast show interview on Fri 10th Feb to promote the event & and provide an introduction to SWF.
Social media – extensive Facebook promotion via Inverell Council, New England Wind & various local organisations (thanks Adam)
Inverell Times – online article including photo from Ross Hill
Glen Innes Examiner – front page on Thu 16th Feb
Thanks go to Taryn, Adam & Liz who helped organising everything, to Andy Bray from Australian Wind Alliance for his support with both events and to Anthony Broese van Groenou for videoing /photographing & helping out.
Above all thank you to Soren who is quite simply a star & whose talks provided much food for thought & were a great prelude to our community investment testing which will launch in April.
Lisa Stiebel
Community Engagement Manager
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk