Samsø Energi Akademi – en del af New European Bauhaus

Samso Energy Academy is part of New European Bauhaus

- written by Tim Schneider

The New European Bauhaus is related to Bauhaus which revolutionized the design in the 20th century. Now, one century later, the New European Bauhaus should do nearly the same – combine aesthetics with everyday functions in a sustainable way.

From October 2020 to 2023 beyond the New European Bauhaus is a collaboration between all people. It works as a platform for experimentation and connection and builds a bridge between art and science. Citizens, experts, businesses and institutions come together to contribute to a creative and interdisciplinary initiative.
The purpose is to create a living lab to design future ways of living. Affordable and accessible spaces should be designed in a sustainable way, to respect the planet and protect the environment. At New European Bauhaus the actors see challenges as opportunities to transform the build environment to a better place. Style and sustainability are matching with functions.

There are three phases to reach those goals. The Design phase, which build the basis. All partners share visions, collect examples, ideas and challenges. Furthermore, they analyze the existing systems and enable the change most beneficial. The second phase is the Delivery phase. Knowledge from the Design phase will be shared now – networking is the keyword of this phase. Methods, solutions and prototypes should be available to cities, localities, architects and designers. In the third phase, the Dissemination phase, the ideas and actions that were emerged become amplified. In this phase the actors want to reach a broader audience in Europe and beyond.

In Denmark a broad circle of stakeholders across architecture, art, academia and various professions work together to develop a mission statement for New European Bauhaus. To realize this, the mission is divided in three challenge areas.

1. Social values and communities
2. City(nature), resilience and biodiversity
3. Resource loops and zero waste

The Energy Academy is one of these stakeholders and focus on the area City(nature), resilience and biodiversity. In this vision nature is the basis for our life and is an integrated part of development in human made systems. Urban areas are inclusive areas, where animals and humans can live together. It is not only for sustainability, biodiversity and climate, it is also for health and wellbeing of humans. Nowadays many people feel disconnected from nature. That is why people need a bridge between professionals and citizens to get more familiar with nature and increase interfaces with the biotic system. Living labs and pilot projects will help to create awareness.

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