Prototype Samsø Foundation

Prototype Samsø Foundation

Status 19%

Duration: October 2016 – 2030

Funding: Samsø Energy Academy


Business, civil society, local government and academia. Moreover, Samsø Foundation is already associated with a cluster of hubs worldwide capable of engaging their communities:

Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Japan: ISEP is a NGO working with Japanese divestment in centralized nuclear and fossil-fuel energy infrastructure towards a distributed renewable energy.

Island Institute, Rockport, Maine, USA: The Island Institute promotes an integrated community-input approach to sustainable development.

Embark Australia, Victoria, Australia: Embark Australia is the leading national community energy organization that designs and implement a variety of community renewable energy projects.

Sust ‘aina ble Molokai, Hawaii, USA: Dedicated to creating a model of sustainability for Hawaii. The organization is working to convert the island’s energy system to a 100% renewable system supported by community-oriented energy development.

Samsø Energy Academy, Denmark: Samsø Energy Academy has a world-wide reputation for being the leading model of sustainable community development

Project managers: Søren Hermansen

Purpose and description:

 Samsø Foundation wants  to build a global investment fund with the purpose to invest in community power projects to enable independence through cooperatively owned renewable energy. Samsø Foundation intents to provide project origination and blended financing for energy infrastructure. We aspire to support 100 role model communities in their transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Samsø Foundation’s investment principles are

1 Prioritize shared and local ownership of minimum 30%, including
both private and public partners, of decentral energy commons.

2 Develop and optimize local loops of energy resources, production
and efficient consumption.

3 Foster collaborative and cooperative development and governance.

Circular economy delivers the promise of a resilient future for communities facing economic, social and environmental challenges. Energy is at the heart of that transition. The community power approach encourages economic development while simultaneously supporting environmental and social benefits to the locality.

The distributed penetration of renewable energy will open up competitive energy markets to incentivize investors. Integrating smart grid technology, this will enable communities to capitalize on energy markets through crowd-sourcing and cooperative ownership. Samsø Foundation unites local energy commons in a global network organization, with enabling network and scale economies in planning, procurement, and financing. Samsø Foundation brings global investors and local communities together and build a global collaborative platform, making it possible for hundreds of small communities to obtain local independence and resilience.


Funding: Samsø Energy academy
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