Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Energy Academy
-and the 17 world goals
Samsø is an island and a macrocosm of the rest of the world. Changes are seen more quickly in smaller units. Samsø is the small unit, and therefore the Island is always on the mark in relation to “What shall we live on” or where the next crisis is. Crisis on Samsø means a turning point.
Past: In 1997, Denmark and the government launched a new project for all Danish islands. Which island could convert its energy production to alternative energy in 10 years? 5 islands in DK applied: Ærø, Læsø, Samsø, Møn and Thyholm, which is half an island. Samsø became the designated island and could begin the transition to alternative energy. The prerequisite for the appointment was that all the islands had drawn up an energy resource plan, which contained approved technology, applicable legislation and broad citizen involvement.
Samsø reached the goal in 10 years, all Samsingers were there. This could be measured by the total investment of DKK 500,000,000. As a community, Samsø was able to pick the lowest hanging fruit. The possibilities are now clear for Samsø to begin the process of phasing out petrol, diesel and oil before 2030. The island has jointly prepared a new energy plan version 2.0, which is broadly about how Samsø will become fossil-free 20 years before the rest of Denmark.
The Energy Academy was built in 2007, and Samsø could now seriously call itself Denmark’s renewable energy island. Today, the Energy Academy is working to put the finishing touches on the government’s new energy agreement, and we have drawn up a new energy resource plan version 3.0.
Today: The 17 world goals are therefore a welcome communication puzzle that we at the Energy Academy have taken to heart: we see the world goals as a necessary continuation of the global development of what and who defines sustainable life. The local community of Samsø is already working with many of the sub-goals from the new 17 global goals. COP meetings have been held for 20 years and their most important function is to initiate climate agreements. Other important stepping stones that, like the 17 global goals, have been formulated to serve the well-being of the planet, are the Brundtland report from 1987, which has shifted the agenda and created an increased focus on being able to see the whole, so that we are not stuck in the details.
The Global Goals were formulated on 25 September 2015, when countries around the world came together to agree on a set of rules, which contain 17 pieces to the puzzle.