Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
SEMK - Energy and Environment Office
The association Samsø Energy and Environment Office was founded in 1997 and opened the same year an office for the guidance of citizens who were interested in energy savings and renewable energy.
Background Based on ENERGY 21, which was the government’s energy trading plan from 1996, the government in spring 1997 issued a competition to be designated Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island.
In the competition, the islands participated: Læsø, Møn, Ærø, “Thyholm” and Samsø. The decision was between Samsø and Ærø, but Samsø was designated Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island, as it was formulated by Energy and Environment Minister Sven Auken at the appointment on November 6, 1997. When the prepared 10-year Energy Plan for Samsø was included in the competition with the other four Danish islands it meant that the project group on Samsø had to “keep the cards close to the body”.
The association Samsø Energy and Environment Office was founded in 1997 and opened the same year an office for the guidance of citizens who were interested in energy savings and renewable energy.
Background Based on ENERGY 21, which was the government’s energy trading plan from 1996, the government in spring 1997 issued a competition to be designated Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island.
Several citizens on Samsø expressed that there was a lack of direct citizenship, but the project group referred to the competition element as well as the narrow time horizon (1½ months) for the preparation of the energy plan. Regardless of the fact that at that time it had not yet been decided which island would win, it was decided in July 1997 to establish the association “Samsø Energy and Environment Office” (SEMK).
Throughout the years, SEMK has invested in Samsø Havvind, Paludans Flak, Samsø Energi Hotel ApS and Samsø Biogas IVS. Samsø Energy and Environment Office and is therefore the co-owner of the organization Samsø Havvind. This company was formed to coordinate the offshore wind turbine project, and SEMK therefore also has 2 seats on the Samsø Havvind board. In addition to these directorships, SEMK also has seats in the Business Forum, the Center Council for VE, Green Council and Samsø Biogas IVS
Constitution and representatives from SEMK in Boards of Directors in 2019
Inge-Dorthe E. Larsen
Board members:
Philip Cerny
Stefan Wolffbrandt
Jeppe Dam Skriver
Michael G. Kristensen
Representatives in SEMK from various boards in 2022:
The Energy Academy:
Christian Hougaard og Philipp Cerny
Business forum:
Søren Hermansen
Christian Hougaard
Grønt Råd:
Inge-Dorthe E. Larsen.