Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk
I visited Denmark once and was impressed by the relaxed interaction with each other. Of course, I love the landscape here, because I come from an area with a lot of agriculture and industry in NRW. Since then, Denmark was in my mind.
After school I wanted to work with nature, so I started to work as a gardener. I realized that this doesn´t fulfill my life, because most gardens we built aren´t close to nature anymore. That´s why I started studying Landscape Development in Osnabrueck, Germany.
My study program is about creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly landscape or city. We learn much about ecosystems and how to connect them with human use. Before the fifth’s semester starts, we must do an internship for three months in summertime. I coincidentally found the Energy Academy when I was watching a documentary and was really impressed by their projects. It made me hope to see, that the knowledge we study is possible to realize very soon when we work on it together. I thought this is the perfect place for me to do my internship.
Meanwhile I work in the academy and I´m already thankful for everything I learned and what´s ahead of me. Samso has a good size to implement projects and participate the municipality. The things I learn here will help me to find solutions for climate change and how to adapt them to our system. The Energy Academy shows me how to live with nature and not against it.
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk