Vi arbejder med konsekvenserne af klimaforandring

Vi arbejder med konsekvenserne af klimaforandring

Samsoe's green transition

From utopia to common sense

We are communicating our experiences today based on 20 years of community transition based on renewable energy and human daring.

We describe this is three phases using three headlines, based on a timeline from 1997 to 2050:

  • Island 1.0 – Utopia is possible – 1997-2017
  • Island 2.0 – This IS difficult – 2007-2030
  • Island 3.0 – Common sense – 2011-2050
Over the course of 10 years, the Island of Samsø transformed its energy supply to become 100% self-sufficient through the use of renewable energy, and we are now heading towards phasing out the use of fossil fuels by 2030.

Today, Samsø Energy Academy’s ambition is to provide a broader sustainable perspective based on the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Our ambition and intention at the Energy Academy is to lead the way, with Samsø as a practical example of sustainable transition. The location and size of the island, with its 3,700 year round residents, is not a limitation. Instead, Samsø provides clarity that furthers the understanding of common sense, so sustainable transition can be used and applied regionally, nationally and internationally.

Below, you can read more about our experience as well as our plans for the future.

Version 1.0

Wind, solar and biomass were crucial

In just ten years, the Island of Samsø has shown how local communities are the way forward. Samsø has collectively invested in sustainable energy systems, which today are partially owned by the residents of Samsø. With an investment of 468 million kr. (US$73 million), we are 100% self-sufficient in renewable energy, and have a negative CO2 footprint of minus 3.5 tons per resident.

Version 2.0

Free from oil, gasoline and diesel by 2030

Samsø’s current goal is to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. 

This involves careful planning, arranging themed meetings, upgrading existing wind turbines, replacing oil furnaces with heat pumps, and advising residents and businesses about reducing their use of electricity and heat.


Version 3.0

Recycling resources

Over the past 20 years, Samsø Energy Academy has become a gathering place for knowledge about solutions that are prerequisites for making progress.

  “From best to next” is a saying that is used in conjunction with the local catalog of developmental initiatives that are anchored in existing resources and potential technical solutions.


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