Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk
In one of our newsletters sent out to the participants of the TSI project (Technical Support Instrument), we compared the phases of the project to the seasons of the year.
Read the full newsletter (in Danish) here.
Autumn 2022 sessions are almost coming to an end. Most of you already had your workshops and are on your way to making or revising your climate plans, and the last group still has to meet. Just like in nature, the autumn workshop was about gathering. Gathering the knowledge that TSI provided, taking the most of it, and getting ready for the next phase. By the beginning of December, everyone will be done with the workshops and the gathering process. Now it’s time for the winter season to start.
In nature, winter is time for getting back in, and getting ready for the next season. What we hope you will do, is to go back to your offices reflect, and evaluate the knowledge you gathered in the autumn. Use what you learned and think about what you need more of in the future. During this time you also have an opportunity to contact PlanEnergi and get further help on anything you need regarding the planning and excel sheets used in the workshops.
Sun is back out and we are too. After gathering autumn and evaluating winter we are ready to go out and learn more about the stakeholder and citizens’ engagement. It is time to engage and communicate with other stakeholders, and most importantly, learn how to do it first. This period will consist of workshops covering this theme.
When we compared it to the seasons of the year, we were talking about participants and what they will go through during the project. Little did we know that we could apply this to our work, and execution of the project too.
Winter was the time to reflect and start thinking about which seeds we want to sow in the spring, so the participants can have the best harvest yet. It brought some challenges, as every winter does. But the clouds are slowly clearing the sky and we are ready for a new season that will, hopefully, bring new ideas and knowledge to use in the future.
Strandengen 1, 8305 Samsø
TEL.:. 87921011
CVR: 29056048
Mail: info@energiakademiet.dk